Junior Cycle Short Course
Local Storytelling Through Digital Media
“The ease-of-use of new and emerging storytelling technologies, synergised with the imaginative, potentially transformative human power of narrative is opening up new possibilities to enhance creativity and creative education. It is potentially enabling more learners to be creative with digital media—irrespective of their creativity or “lack” of creativity heretofore.” (Hall, 2012)
Following the NCCA framework, this short course is designed for all students at Junior Cycle for approximately 100 hours of engagement. It is designed as a classroom-based assessment (CBA) and merges storytelling and digital media in order to inspire students to engage more deeply at the world around them. Students will identify something unique or interesting about their local community and through creative narration and appropriate use of digital media, create a documentary exploring this subject.
Excerpt from Short Course Rationale:
This short course guides learners through a collaborative process, from conception to realisation. Students work together, and with their local environment, to actively engage with their surroundings, appreciate alternative points of view, and build positive relationships. The resulting documentary is an artefact of the learning that took place; confirmation that learners gained skills in storytelling and communication, organisation and planning, artistic collaboration and considered reflection.
Hall, T. (2012) ‘Digital Renaissance: The Creative Potential of Narrative Technology in Education’, Creative education, 3(1), 96–100, available: https://doi.org/10.4236/ce.2012.31016.